Church Documents

Resources you can trust.

Over the years the Catholic Church has provided many teachings on the Holy Spirit. Collected here are documents written by the Church, her bishops, and doctrinal commissions that we believe every Holy Spirit scholar should be familiar with.


Council of Constantinople

To understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit, one must have a foundation in the Church’s understanding of the Trinity. Proclaimed in 381, this council formally defined the Holy Spirit as a distinct person of God.


Baptism in the Holy Spirit

This Doctrinal Commission was written by ICCRS explains the foundations of baptism in the Holy Spirit in Scripture and Catholic tradition, and shows why this gift is intended for every member of the Church.


Malines | Theological & Pastoral Orientations

Published in 1974, this first Malines Document looks at the ecclesiastical context of the Renewal as well as its theological basis.


Malines | Renewal and the Power of Darkness

Prior to the release of the Doctrinal Commission, Deliverance Ministry, there was this document penned by Cardinal Suenes on the renewal and deliverance ministry.


The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church and the world

This 1986 encyclical published by Pope John Paul II is a wonderful primer for understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in bringing about salvation to the world.

Iuvenescit Ecclesia

This 2016 letter from the CDF to the Bishops of the Catholic Church is also titled, “Regarding the Relationship Between Hierarchical and Charismatic Gifts in the Life and the Mission of the Church”.


Lumen Gentium

One of the principle documents of Vatican II, Lumen Gentium affirms that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is given to everyone for profit.


Malines | Ecumenism and the Charismatic Renewal

Published in 1978, this second document aims to show what specific contribution the Charismatic Renewal can make to the ecumenical movement, which is endeavoring to reunite divided Christians.


Malines | Nature and Grace

In the education of the Christian we may not ignore that the human being, rich in natural gifts, is also fragile and wounded. The modern man may never forget that grace is an essential part of his healing and his growth. 


Pope Francis Addresses the Charismatic Renewal

In 2019, Pope Francis addressed a large group of charismatic leaders in Rome. In the letter he says, “these three things – baptism in the Holy Spirit, unity in the body of Christ and service to the poor – are the forms of witness that, by virtue of baptism, all of us are called to give for the evangelization of the world.

Instructions on Prayers For Healing

Before he was Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Ratzinger approved this document while prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This important letter contains beautiful insights into the Church’s view of healing as a sacrament and charism.


Deliverance Ministry

This Doctrinal Commission written by ICCRS reveals how deliverance ministry is grounded in Scripture and Tradition, and offers sound guidelines for practicing it in in accord with Catholic faith.


Malines | Charismatic Renewal and Social Action

Prayer, evangelization, social, and political action can and must be integrated in the life of a Christian, guided by the Holy Spirit.


Malines | Resting in the Spirit

What is the phenomena of “resting in the spirit”? Cardinal Suenes explores this strange manifestation of the Holy Spirit, offering insights and practical tools for discernment.


Guidelines on prayers for healing

Working to expand upon and explain the CDF’s original letter, Instructions on Prayers for Healing, this fantastic Doctrinal Commission written by ICCRS is a must-have book for anyone interested in learning more about healing ministry.